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Neston CYC

Football, The Beautiful Game!

Our friends at Elephant Collective and AP Mitchell have planned a charity football match to raise much needed funds for our work with local young people.

When they announced it on Wednesday evening, Elephant collective said

"We at Elephant feel that the Neston Community Youth Centre gets overlooked a lot of the time as a Charity. The work the staff and volunteers put in is nothing short of absolutely jaw-dropping and a lot of this is done with ZERO funding!

For the past 3 years the Neston Community Youth Centre have run projects such as MusicZone and other youth-engagement projects with no funding, whilst still providing top support and incredible opportunities!

We feel it's extremely important to offer more opportunities such as this for young people to engage with music, sport and other activities that NCYC run.That's why we've teamed up with A.P.Mitchell - Fire & Security Ltd who have been extremely kind and agreed to help us raise funding for the NCYC."

Adam Mitchell, the 'A' of AP Mitchell, also said "A fun day out to help those that do so much amazing work in our community. Please come and support us, it may not be the best football you will ever see, but the laughs will be plenty.'

We say, thank you very much!

Gareth Prytherch, Centre Manager also said "Many local people still don't know that we are a charity and every penny we spend has to come from somewhere. Our staff and volunteers do a fantastic job of delivering incredible services at little to no cost but help is always appreciated. We'll be there on the day to show our support and it would be great to get lots of people there to cheer them on"

The Football Match will take place on Sunday 7th October at Ness Park Fields and you can make your donation through the JustGiving event page at

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