The Lantern Parade is coming back to Neston this year as part of the Christmas festivities on Saturday 25th November 2023, and in order to make it bigger and better than ever, we need local residents to get involved, and give a few hours of their time to help.
Can you give an hour or two to any of the activities below?
Lantern Workshops
17th November Lantern making at NCYC
19th November
9.30am - 12pm Lantern making at Neston Civic Hall
12pm - 2.30pm Lantern making at Neston Civic Hall
Lantern Prep
From home in your own time Making poles from bamboo canes and wire
Cutting and sewing polycotton triangles
Stewarding / Event Support
25th November
12.30pm-1.30pm Help with setting up stage gazebo
12.30pm-4pm Decorating / setting up barriers and games stalls
5pm-6pm Help with setting up small stage and PA
4pm-7.30pm Stewards for market square and parade
7.30pm-8.30pm Help with packing away