What is peer support?
Peer support is when people use their own experiences to help each other. There are various types of peer support, but they all aim to:
· bring together people with shared experiences to support each other
· provide a space where you feel accepted and understood
· treat everyone's experiences as being equally important
· involves both giving and receiving support.
What does the Wellbeing peer support volunteer role entail?
· Commitment to attending training
· Commitment to facilitating regular peer support groups (minimum of 2 volunteer hours per week)
· Facilitating a welcoming environment to new people
How will NCYC support you in this role?
Provide regular supervision and support to all volunteers
Provide opportunity for further training and personal development
Training will take place 9am-5pm on 5th and 6th August at Neston community youth centre.
If you would like to apply to become a Wellbeing peer support volunteer or would like further information on the role please email Rachael@nestoncyc.org.uk outlining why you think you would make a good Wellbeing peer support volunteer.
Closing date for applications is 12pm Monday 24th July 2023.